April 1, 2019 — Vornex Inc., today announced that TimeShiftX has attained VMware Partner Ready for vSphere validation.
By validating TimeShiftX with VMware vSphere, and attaining the VMware Partner Ready logo, Vornex has tested and verified its interoperability with VMware vSphere and can fully manage customer support requests for TimeShiftX with VMware vSphere.
“We are pleased that Vornex and TimeShiftX is validated for VMware vSphere. VMware Partner Ready for vSphere signifies to customers that TimeShiftX can be deployed with the knowledge and reassurance that the partner fully supports the specified versions and configurations on VMware vSphere,” said Kristen Edwards, director, Technology Alliance Partner Programs, VMware.
VMware vSphere is the industry-leading server virtualization software, helping organizations run, manage, connect, and secure applications in a common operating environment across clouds.
By using TimeShiftX with VMware vSphere, businesses can efficiently and swiftly time travel their software and VMware virtual machines to perform their required temporal testing, enabling them to save time, resources, and money.
VMware Partner Ready programs allow partners to test and validate their solutions that interoperate with specific VMware platforms. By completing the Partner Ready process and achieving the Partner Ready logo, partners validate their products interoperability with VMware technologies, and agree to solely manage customer support requests for the combined solution.
Vornex and TimeShiftX can be found within the online VMware Solution Exchange (VSX). The VMware Solution Exchange is an online marketplace where VMware partners can publish rich marketing content and downloadable software for our customers.
About Vornex
Vornex Inc. is a privately held software company, based in Silicon Valley, focused on providing advanced enterprise technology solutions that help organizations ensure reliability and confidence in their software. We specialize in products and services that protect against date and time vulnerabilities by enabling efficient time shift testing of temporal application and database functionality. Our core strength lies in our creativity and flexibility, which allows us to create a customized solution to fit every customer’s unique business requirements.
About TimeShiftX
TimeShiftX is a date simulation software that lets you time travel software, VMware virtual machines, and containers into the future or past for temporal testing of all date sensitive functionality and code such as year-end, daylight savings, leap year, billing, rates, policies, etc. TimeShiftX uses virtual clocks to enable time travel inside of Active Directory & Kerberos without changing VMware system clocks, changing code, or isolating VMware virtual servers. Companies worldwide, including many of the Global 100, use TimeShiftX to save time, money, and meet testing requirements.
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Vornex®, TimeShiftX®, and their respective logos are registered trademarks of Vornex Inc. and may not be used without permission.
VMware, VMware vSphere and VMware Ready are registered trademarks or trademarks of VMware, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Steven Demetrius